oil geology meaning in English
- Based on modern optimization theory and optimal control theory , this dissertation studies some questions as follows : 1 . the optimization model of parameter identification of three - dimensional geologic history numerical simulation , algorithm and its application geologic history numerical simulation is a basic content of basin numerical simulation , and the porosity is the major parameter in the evolution and development process of oil - bearing basin . according to the sedimentation and burial mechanism , the physical and chemical principles of oil geology , the mudstone porosity ' s non - linear parabolic partial differential equation has been established
本文应用现代最优化及最优控制理论,对如下一些问题进行了研究: 1 、三维地史数值模拟的参数辨识优化模型、算法及应用地史模拟是盆地数值模拟的一个基础性的研究内容,地层孔隙度是含油气盆地地史演化发育过程中的重要参数,根据地层沉积埋藏机理和石油地质的物理化学原理,通过引入数学物理方程概念,建立了泥岩三维孔隙度场方程,根据问题的特点,给出了方程的定解条件,对方程的动边界也给出了处理方法,并且证明了解的存在性与惟一性,在此基础上建立了以当今实测数据为拟合准则的三维地史数值模拟的参数辨识优化模型,这是一个含有二阶偏微分方程约束的泛函极值问题。 - This dissertation performes an advanced analysis of oil geology , analysis of the history of geostress field in oil field , measuring of tectonic stress , tests of rock mechanics parameters , 3 - d fem ( finite element method ) numerical simulation for the field of geostress , numerical calculation for three dimensional fracture , analysis of relationship between geostress field and migration of oil and gas , analysis of relationship between fracture and migration of oil and gas , etc . and some great breakthrough has been done
本论文研究“三维应力场、裂缝及其与油气移聚关系” ,完成了深入细致的石油地质分析、构造应力场历史分析、地应力测量、岩石力学实验测试、三维应力场有限元法数值模拟、三维裂缝数值计算、应力场与油气运移、裂缝与油气运移综合研究工作,在基础理论探讨、技术方法创新、软件编制及综合应用等方面,均有较大的突破。 - This paper perfects a whole series of technical routes which begins at research of oil geology , then analysis of rock mechanics , migration theory stress and oil and gas , 3 - d fem mathematical simulation , 3 - d fracture simulation , and then integrative analysis of petroleum migration , finally , forecast of target area